Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Katrina and Winter Launched During Children's Book Week!

Once again, prior to the post, please sign up below to win gifts.  Also, take a look at the six blogs of the other Guardian Angel authors participating in the Children's Book Week Celebration listed at the end of this post.

Please allow me to start this post with an apology.  I realize I began the celebration of Children's Book Week with a post about my new book but did not realize the launch would take place in the middle of CBW.  (We're a few days early, which is wonderful!)  Because of the timing, I'll give you just a bit more about the book and the people behind it.

Katrina and Winter:  Partners in Courage was a collaboration of people who love Katrina and want only the best for her. Her story was first brought to light by the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in general and David Yates, the CEO, in particular. 

When the Simpkins family serendipitously turned up at the aquarium headed to Disney World, Mr. Yates himself welcomed the family to the aquarium.  Katrina was so overwhelmed by seeing Winter, she forgot her shyness and asked him if she could meet the young dolphin.  He, without hesitation, arranged it on the spot. 

Katrina never looked back, and Mr. Yates has never stopped looking forward in relation to Katrina's well-being and best interest.  He arranged for the family to visit Winter and the aquarium on several occasions and has championed and supported Katrina in so many ways.  He gave her the opportunity to star in a video that now runs each hour the aquarium is open, telling the story of Katrina and Winter.

Without the kindness and caring of so many people,  Katrina's story would not be shared with the world.  I hope you will read the book and will also support the Clearwater Marine Aquarium as well.  Each has a story worth the telling.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Guardian Angel Publishing Author Blogs:
Margo Dill -

Margot Finke –


  1. Such a sweet story and one that will be exciting to read!

    1. Thanks so much, Sharon! I do hope people will enjoy Katrina and Winter's story!

  2. Inspiring and heartfelt true life story. What an honor for you. And everything happens for a reason. It was not a coincidence you all were at the same place at the same time. It was meant to be!

    Best regards,

    1. Donna, Thanks again for your lovely message. I'm so happy there were people there to assist Katrina, one of the worthiest people I know!

      Best wishes to you.

  3. Delightful story, Nancy. Congratulations mate.

    I enjoyed reading all about it.

    BOOKS for KIDS - Manuscript Critiques

  4. What a special book and topic! I think it's actually great timing to have a book out during children's book week! :) Best of luck to you on the new book.

  5. Nancy, this is a very heart-felt story. Thanks for bringing it to children, many of whom need this kind of encouragement in their own lives and will identify with Katrina.
