Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eagle Day

Once a year in mid-January, we and our friends, Stan and Kathy, drive along the Mississippi River on a mission.  Eagles!

These glorious creatures spend their winters at the confluence of the Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois Rivers, having migrated from the upper mid-west and Canada.  For several magical months, we in the St. Louis area, have the great good fortune to gaze at them in all their majesty. 

The eagle pictured here perched just above us in a winter clad tree.  It paid no attention to the earthbound mortals below.  Its gaze, rather, was on the icy river, sparkling with late morning sunshine. 

Everyone watching this beautiful bird fell quiet and observed it.  What an awesome experience it provided us. We were so close yet light years apart from this creature's world.  I couldn't help but wonder what it thinks of ours.

Here is a lovely children's book about eagles written and illustrated by Caroline Arnold.  It was published by PictureWindow Books (2010).  The eBook edition is available


  1. Around here we keep an eye on the hawks to make sure they don't fly off with our cats. LOL!

    Nice way to tie a book into your post.


  2. Nancy:

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful and awe inpsiring moment.

    Best wishes,

  3. Great pic of the eagle, Nancy. Looks like you were able to get pretty close. We had a similar experience last summer while visiting Washington, DC during the Centennial National Scout Jamboree. Our Troop stopped to visit the National Scout Memorial and perched in a tree about 15 feet above us was a bald Eagle looking down at the group of future Eagle Scouts below. Pretty neat and the symbolism wasn't lost on any of the boys.

  4. Nancy! We also live near the Mississippi and have many eagles around. Recently one flew so low, I could see the scales on it's yellow feet as it flew over my car! You have to hop over to my blog and see the swans! They shouldn't be here in the winter, but they are. What an amazing sight.

    Margaret Rose

  5. Such beautiful birds. Thanks for sharing.
    J. Aday Kennedy
    The Differently-Abled Writer & Speaker
    Children's Author of Klutzy Kantor & Marta's Gargantuan Wings

  6. I love the eagle, and appreciate the Biblical references to their lifestyle. Thanks for sharing this great post.

    Terri Forehand
