Today it is my great pleasure and honor to have author Donna McDine visit the blog once again. I have known Donna for quite a few years and am delighted to host her and her new book from Guardian Angel Publishing, A Sandy Grave.
N.S. You’ve hand a prolific writing career so far. What paths did you take to
reach this artistic point?
N.S. I fell in love with your new book A Sandy Grave, the minute I read
it. Where did the idea come from, which is what all authors want to know.
D.M. I’ve been working on a middle grade manuscript off and on for several years now and my critique group has encouraged me to dust it off and get it into tip top shape for submission to agents and publishing houses. It’s a historical fiction manuscript that includes history of the historical hamlet, Tappan, New York that I’ve resided in for the last 16 years.

D.M. At the beginning stages of my writing career I expanded my education beyond
what I had attended college for (Business Administration) through the Institute
of Children’s Literature writing for children and teenagers. After “picking the
brains” of established writers I then joined a writer’s critique group and
began attending writer’s conferences. Both are imperative in honing my writing
skills on an ongoing basis. My critique group is online and we live in various
parts of the country, we’ve been together now going on five years. Yes, ladies
five years…can you believe it! I also was involved in an in-person group at my
local library, but unfortunately it has disbanded.
Donna McDine |
D.M. Nancy, thank you so much. It warms my heart that you enjoyed A Sandy Grave so much! While reading
the newspaper I came across a story about a dead washed up whale on a
California beach and what the authorities had to do to protect the whale before
being able to bury it.
N.S. You have written several books that speak to the greater good of
humanity. Is that theme a part of you? And if it is, how did it
D.M. At first I did not pay attention to this particular theme, but the more I read
and hear about horrific occurrences writing about the greater good of humanity
ends up becoming part of most of my manuscripts. For instance, one of my
non-fiction articles that I just submitted for consideration is about the good
youngsters are doing right in my own community to help special needs children.
Often times, the newspaper and broadcast news are filled with the negatives of
the world and to share specific examples of “good neighbor” behavior warms my
N.S. Where will your next book take you—and your readers?

N.S. How can readers learn more about you and your accomplishments?
D.M. Those interested can visit me at, or drop me an email at
By the way, Donna is running a contest during her tour for a $50 Barnes and Noble gift card. Readers may enter at:
By the way, Donna is running a contest during her tour for a $50 Barnes and Noble gift card. Readers may enter at:
you Nancy for hosting me during my Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Tour!
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