I am so very delighted to have my friend, Cheryl Malandrinos as a guest on the blog today. I've known Cheryl for quite a few years, and we are fellow authors at Guardian Angel Publishing. I've also worked with her on blog tours with Pump Up Your Book, and it was always a pleasure.
NS Tell us a bit about what in your past prepared you for and led you to this moment in your writing career?
CM Thanks for having me as your guest today, Nancy. I’ve been an avid reader my entire life. I also enjoy considering what is behind the stories I read. Yes, I was the girl who didn’t mind writing book reports. It helps that I love learning. I would go back to school tomorrow if I could afford it.
I didn’t start writing original material until I was a teenager. After my mother’s death, I needed an outlet for my grief. My writing gave me that. I didn’t seriously pursue writing as a career until I became a stay-at-home mom in 2004. I enrolled in a writing course, began blogging, attended writers conferences and submitted my work. It took time, but I’m glad I persevered.
NS Between freelancing, editing and writing your own books, how much of your day is taken up with the writing profession?
CM Not enough. I wish I could say I am the dedicated professional who sits and writes something every day. I’m not. I read a lot, especially in the genres I work in. I blog five days a week. Social media also gets attention. I work daily on expanding my reach. All that said, two or three days a week are dedicated to some aspect of my career.
NS Everyone wants to know where we get our ideas and inspiration in writing. Could you address how that happens in your life?
CM I would probably find it easier to pinpoint what doesn’t inspire my writing. The only time I’ve consciously considered my ideas is when I participated in National Picture Book Idea Month in 2010. The goal was to come up with one new idea for each day of November. A few months later, I turned six of those ideas into stories for Picture Book Writing Week. One of those stories is currently under consideration with my publisher and I am editing the others.
My first book, Little Shepherd, was inspired by a Christmas carol. A Christmas Kindness will be out this fall. That was inspired by a desire to teach my children the importance of thinking of others. Amelia’s Mission, a middle grade historical, came about as part of a writing workshop. I saw Amelia very clearly in my mind, and her story has taken me a bit by surprise. I love it. The antics of my children, newspaper articles, and community events have also inspired some ideas.
NS I have worked closely with you on four Pump Up Your Book tours. You are leaving the organization after some very successful years. What general new horizons are in your view at the moment?
CM I still plan to write, but now that my girls are a bit older, I’m returning to the workforce in a larger capacity. Ideally, it will be a career that will allow me to work from home part-time and occasionally in the office. The evolution of technology allows more opportunities than ever before for work-at-home situations. Having worked from home for five years, I know I can be productive.
Leaving Pump Up Your Book was a difficult decision, because I love promoting and talking about books. I felt the need to diversify my portfolio and see what else God has planned for me. I’ve been praying for guidance.
NS You’ve had a successful Christmas book, Little Shepherd, and if you can, tell us what’s next for you in terms of your own writing.
My next book will be out this fall under the name C. C. Gevry. Entitled, A Christmas Kindness, it is the story of Robert, who visits the mall Santa on Christmas Eve with his wish list, but ends up asking for a special gift for a new friend instead. I hope it reminds kids that thinking of others is important. This book will be published by 4RV Publishing.
Friends have asked me why I chose a pen name for this book. It boils down to branding. With Little Shepherd I created a “Faith-filled journeys for kids” brand. A Christmas Kindness, while focusing on Christian values, is not a Christian story. I felt it important not to confuse my readers, so I opted for a pen name. The next book in the “Faith-filled journeys for kids” brand is already in the process of being written. It will tackle the topic of bullying.
CM Thanks again for having me here today, Nancy. I wish you and your readers the best.
NS Cheryl, it is always such a pleasure to have you as a guest on this blog. I wish you nothing but the best in this next life adventure. Please come back and let us know how it is going!
NS Tell us a bit about what in your past prepared you for and led you to this moment in your writing career?
I didn’t start writing original material until I was a teenager. After my mother’s death, I needed an outlet for my grief. My writing gave me that. I didn’t seriously pursue writing as a career until I became a stay-at-home mom in 2004. I enrolled in a writing course, began blogging, attended writers conferences and submitted my work. It took time, but I’m glad I persevered.
NS Between freelancing, editing and writing your own books, how much of your day is taken up with the writing profession?
CM Not enough. I wish I could say I am the dedicated professional who sits and writes something every day. I’m not. I read a lot, especially in the genres I work in. I blog five days a week. Social media also gets attention. I work daily on expanding my reach. All that said, two or three days a week are dedicated to some aspect of my career.
NS Everyone wants to know where we get our ideas and inspiration in writing. Could you address how that happens in your life?
CM I would probably find it easier to pinpoint what doesn’t inspire my writing. The only time I’ve consciously considered my ideas is when I participated in National Picture Book Idea Month in 2010. The goal was to come up with one new idea for each day of November. A few months later, I turned six of those ideas into stories for Picture Book Writing Week. One of those stories is currently under consideration with my publisher and I am editing the others.
NS I have worked closely with you on four Pump Up Your Book tours. You are leaving the organization after some very successful years. What general new horizons are in your view at the moment?
CM I still plan to write, but now that my girls are a bit older, I’m returning to the workforce in a larger capacity. Ideally, it will be a career that will allow me to work from home part-time and occasionally in the office. The evolution of technology allows more opportunities than ever before for work-at-home situations. Having worked from home for five years, I know I can be productive.
Leaving Pump Up Your Book was a difficult decision, because I love promoting and talking about books. I felt the need to diversify my portfolio and see what else God has planned for me. I’ve been praying for guidance.
NS You’ve had a successful Christmas book, Little Shepherd, and if you can, tell us what’s next for you in terms of your own writing.
My next book will be out this fall under the name C. C. Gevry. Entitled, A Christmas Kindness, it is the story of Robert, who visits the mall Santa on Christmas Eve with his wish list, but ends up asking for a special gift for a new friend instead. I hope it reminds kids that thinking of others is important. This book will be published by 4RV Publishing.
Friends have asked me why I chose a pen name for this book. It boils down to branding. With Little Shepherd I created a “Faith-filled journeys for kids” brand. A Christmas Kindness, while focusing on Christian values, is not a Christian story. I felt it important not to confuse my readers, so I opted for a pen name. The next book in the “Faith-filled journeys for kids” brand is already in the process of being written. It will tackle the topic of bullying.
CM Thanks again for having me here today, Nancy. I wish you and your readers the best.
NS Cheryl, it is always such a pleasure to have you as a guest on this blog. I wish you nothing but the best in this next life adventure. Please come back and let us know how it is going!